Monday, February 22, 2010

The Funny Thing

The funny thing about trying to reclaim your life is all of the little things that you HAVE to do. There are some parts of my life that I need to put behind me. I just have to let go of the mistakes and loves and hates. They just HAVE to go.

I HAVE to get my house organized. I read something once (and I am sure that several people have said it) that if your house isn't together the rest of your life won't be either. I finally ended up with Sunday's off so me and my kids will be going to church. That brought up a face from the past that HAS to go away.

There is a part of me that wants to keep living a somewhat reckless, devil may care, kind of life. But there is a bigger part that just wants to let go. Say goodbye. To that. To them. To what used to be.

And I've found that I can actually do that now. The tug I always seemed to feel is gone. It's a liberating feeling to be free. To say goodbye. See you later old me. It was nice knowing you. Glad you were there because I learned a lot from you...but it's time to say goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to say goodbye, isn't it? I was just thinking today that I wish I could somehow let go of all the anger inside me, because it's such poison.

    Kudos to you for having the strength to make the necessary changes in your life!
